Christ Community Church teaches the truth of God in the love of Jesus Christ. The Bible (the 66 books of the Old Testament and New Testament) is authoritative – the final word for the life of a Christian. The power in the Church is in Jesus Christ, the head of the Church. Salvation is not by any works or merits, but only by God’s grace in the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ alone. Christians died with Christ (His crucifixion), and rose with Christ (His resurrection). God calls His people to live a life of obedience to His Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit. God created the world (the heavens and the earth), life (all forms, including humankind), and marriage. We stand for the sanctity of human life. Human life is holy and sacred, to be cherished. We stand for the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is ordained by God and is between one man and one woman. Christians belong to Christ and we are eternally united with Him at the point of salvation. Our mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ; evangelization is the key purpose of the church. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19). The Trinity (the “Father,” the “Son,” and the “Holy Spirit”) is ONE God existing in three persons. Ultimately, as members of the Kingdom of God, we seek to honor Him and build His Kingdom as a local fellowship of believers in Christ by the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Christ Community Church is a family of believers who joyfully commit themselves to following and loving Jesus Christ, and to nurturing and loving one another in this local body of believers. In choosing membership at CCC, one affirms their agreement with the CCC statement of faith. They desire to align their life with the patterns taught in Scripture. They will strive to maintain a lifestyle that brings honor to Jesus Christ and His church. They will extend grace to all while standing firm in the teachings of God’s Word.